Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"...Feel the morning (whispers) though a sunny day"

Volbeat: "The Human Instrument"

I can't believe that I'm 21 now. My birthday celebration was great last Saturday, good times with good people! I even made a new friend (a friend of a friend), and it was just fun! Yay for being now fully legal to do pretty much anything in this country, woo.

Oh yeah! My friend couldn't get into the bars (she wasn't 21 yet, but will be in a week and a half), so she called the guy she liked, and now they're officially dating! (he asked her out, it was a really cute story!) The bummer thing is that she was one of my last single friends, so now I'm one of the few that's not in a relationship. It's ok though, I know now's not the best time. Every guy I seem to even remotely like, in the tiniest bit gets a girlfriend. I guess I'm like Chuck in the movie "Good Luck Chuck" except that I don't have to sleep with the person, heh heh. (good movie btw) Besides, I have a feeling that I'm going to marry a foreign guy (that is not American or Finnish, no offense to anybody who IS though), so I have at least that to look forward to. &hearts

I also can't believe that the semester is almost over, but I really can't wait for summer. Why you ask? Well, I'm *hoping to* go to Ruisrock, this big rock festival in Finland. I'm also hopefully going with a friend from the US (studying Finnish, will be in Finland for a summer program) and my second cousin from Canada (who is also really cool). The more I check out the bands, the more I'm excited! I've always wanted to go to one of the many Finnish rock festivals in the summer, and now's (maybe) my chance! Woo! Now it's hard to concentrate, but at least I just bought the Danish band Volbeat's CD, and I'm enjoying it. (one of the songs my dear friend Tiina posted, and I remembered that I liked it!) Plus they're one of the bands that will be there, so that'll tide me over until this summer. I'm so excited!! Woo! /o/ \o\ /o/

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